
Various OpenAI projects and experiments implemented in Python. Utilizes all OpenAI APIs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AutoGen is a powerful code generation tool developed by Microsoft to streamline the development process and enhance productivity. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze existing codebases and automatically generate boilerplate code, reducing the need for manual coding and minimizing errors. AutoGen seamlessly integrates with popular development environments, making it easy to incorporate into existing workflows. With its intuitive interface and customizable settings, AutoGen empowers developers to focus on core logic and accelerate project delivery.

Contributors Forks Stars Issues MIT License

Table of Contents


  • Comprehensive collection of OpenAI experiments and projects
  • Well-organized repository structure for easy navigation and understanding
  • Detailed documentation and README files explaining each experiment
  • Code examples and implementations using various OpenAI models and APIs
  • Continuous updates and additions to stay current with the latest OpenAI developments


  • Saves time and effort by providing a centralized resource for OpenAI experimentation
  • Facilitates learning and understanding of OpenAI's capabilities through practical examples
  • Encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers and developers
  • Serves as a starting point for building new applications and projects using OpenAI
  • Provides inspiration and ideas for leveraging OpenAI in different domains and use cases

How It Compares

  • Offers a more focused and curated collection compared to general AI experiment repositories
  • Provides a deeper dive into OpenAI-specific experiments and implementations
  • Maintains a higher level of quality and consistency due to its specialized nature
  • Benefits from a dedicated community of OpenAI enthusiasts and experts
  • Stays up-to-date with the latest advancements and releases from OpenAI


Released under the permissive MIT License. Allows free use, modification, and distribution.