
A Diffbot API client for Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Diffbot API Node client

Unofficial node version of the diffbot-js-client repo


   npm install diffbot-node-client


a short example of how to use the Article API, see diffbot-js-client for more example on other apis. The client works the same way for both js-client and the node-client.

Uses superagent under the hood.

If you get and timeout or in some other way need to change how the request is performed you can send in the first argument send in a superagent instanse, and the libary will used that.

Article API

  var DiffBot = require('diffbot-node-client');
  var client = new DiffBot("your token");

       url: url
     }, function onSuccess(response) {
       console.log('Success', response);
     }, function onError(response) {

Usage of superagent

  var DiffBot = require('diffbot-node-client');
  var client = new DiffBot("your token");

       superagent: superagent.timeout(10000) // 10 sec timeout
       url: url
     }, function onSuccess(response) {
       console.log('Success', response);
     }, function onError(response) {