Kibana Streams

Kibana Streams is a tool which routes the counts of logstash events to a metric backend, such as graphite, providing ongoing visibility and enables alerting.

The purpose of this tool is to provide similar capability to graylog's streams.

Data from Kibana Data in graphite


The configuration is a json file which contains a list of kibana queries, each with its own metric name prefix. The counts of the query results per time interval are sent to graphite. The configuration json file can be a URL, allowing to easily separate the code from the configuration.

Example of a stream definition: { "name" : "errors", "description" : "Number of errors in the logs", "query" : "@fields.level:'ERROR'", "enabled" : "true" }

The tool requires the use of an active kibana2 instance (


The tool uses a kibana2 instance as an API (instead of just being a UI for interactive queries).


Many thanks to the great Kibana writers! Amazing piece of software


Any feedback would be much appreciated, as well as pull requests, of course.

Harel Ben-Attia,, @harelba on Twitter