
Shaping text with feature "init" with the font "Prida01" doesn't seem to work correctly

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(Originally reported at typst/typst#3924, which uses rustybuzz and not harfbuzz, but I discovered that the same issue seems to exist with harfbuzz)

On this site you can find the font: https://www.glukfonts.pl/font.php?font=Prida01

There are two versions offered, a TTF one and an OTF one.

First I tried shaping with the TTF version, which seems to work fine:
hb-view Prida01.ttf --features init "Hello World" -o out.png

While it doesn't work with the OTF version:
hb-view Prida01.otf --features init "Hello World" -o out.png

At first I thought that this is probably a font issue. But now comes the weird part: I tried subsetting the OTF font with the following command:
hb-subset Prida01.otf -o Prida01.otf "Hello World"

And now the following happens!
hb-view Prida01.otf --features init "Hello World" -o out.png

So I'm not sure what's going on, perhaps it's still a font issue, but it seems weird that somehow subsetting it magically resolves the problem?

(I'm running version 8.4 by the way)