
Plugin for Intellij emulating vim command interface with Intellij action set

Primary LanguageJava


Prototype plugin put together to demo the possibility of an auto-complete based action list that can be integrated to the IdeaVim plugin. The code has been hacked out from he IdeaVim plugin for the UI components and auto-complete examples from the Intellij community code.

Code definitely needs work. I'm hoping this will trigger interest in making a better Vim command-line interface for IntelliJ.

Default short cut key: Shift-F5

List of issues to resolve before publishing:

  • Focus issues
  • Crashes (due to focus issues)
  • Better way to "escape" and auto-close the component on losing focus.

I hope to figure these out sooner or later, but if anyone has better IntelliJ plugin experience, please feel free to chip in. Thanks!

[Screenshort ]