
A simple web interface for retrieving weather information.

Primary LanguageGo


An easy-to-use web application for retrieving the real-time weather of a user-inputted location, written in Golang. Developed using Gin web framework and weather data derived from OpenWeatherMap API. Returns basic data like temperature, wind speed, UV index with severity and forecast for the next 5 days.


  1. Obtain an API key from OpenWeatherMap and signing up.
  2. Set API key as an environment variable or update it in the config.json file.
  3. Make sure the relevant dependencies like Gin are set up in the system.

API Calls

  • A call is made using the NewCurrent() function which return a CurrentWeatherData pointer.

    w, err := owm.NewCurrent("C", "EN", apikey)
    err = w.CurrentByName(location)
  • UV index information is retrieved using http.Get() where the endpoint is supplied with the API key, latitude and longitude.

    uvIndexResp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/uvi?appid=%s&lat=%f&lon=%f", apikey, w.GeoPos.Latitude, w.GeoPos.Longitude))

Planned Features

  • A Chart.js graph populated with the forecasted values.
  • An interactive map with the requested location.
  • Animation and background images based on the weather conditions.

Known Issues

  • Favicon does not load.(Fixed)
  • External linking of CSS file does not load.(Fixed)

Documentation Links