
Minimal yet super-functional serverless boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Boilerplate ⚡️

The easiest serverless boilerplate to get started with 👌

by @JulienVallini


Serverless is awesome : no more server to setup, ultra scalable and very cheap. But I found not very easy to find the perfect setup to get started with. Using serverless brings a lot of not well documented pitfalls that drain a considerable amount of time and energy. I made this boilerplate after gathering the solutions to all of these.

The goal is to keep these pitfalls out of the way.


# If you don't already have the serverless cli installed, do that
npm i -g serverless

# If it's the first time you use aws, you need to configure credentials
# https://github.com/serverless/serverless/blob/master/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials.md

# Use the serverless cli to install this repo
serverless install --url https://github.com/harijoe/serverless-boilerplate --name <your-service-name>

# cd into project and set it up
cd <your-service-name>

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Install dynamoDB libs
sls dynamodb install

How to use it ?

First, change service name in serverless.yml !

To start offline development:

npm start

To deploy:

sls deploy -s <specify-a-stage>

Current available environments are staging and production but you can configure any environment you like in env.yml

What's included ?

  • Environments
  • Webpack
  • Offline
  • DynamoDB
  • Middlewares
  • Prettier
  • Module by absolute path resolution


Environments and environment variables can be configured in env.yml. dev is the one used by default. You can deploy to staging or production by using sls deploy -s prod. A different dynamoDB instance for each environment will be created.


Best code formatting tool. It will be automatically run on each commit.

Tweak .prettierrc to match your own flavor.


serverless-webpack allows the use of babel plugins to enable modern javascript features. You should not modify its configuration.

Tweak .babelrc to add plugins you want to use.


serverless-offline is configured to enable offline development, use it with npm run start


Support for DynamoDB both locally and in the cloud. It's a quite easy to use nosql database


Handly is included. It's a handy wrapper for serverless handlers applying very useful middlewares.


Serverless Boilerplate is MIT licensed.