
Misc foundationdb related scripts / hacks

Primary LanguageShell


Misc foundationdb related scripts / hacks


Install jq

Install jq first. Use apt or brew or See https://stedolan.github.io/jq/

Add fdbutils checkout to your $PATH

git clone https://github.com/harikb/fdbutils.git

export PATH=/path/to/bin:${PATH}

Adjust fdb-cli wrapper

Include any local customization and make sure it runs

$ fdb-cli
Using cluster file `/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster'.

The database is available.

Welcome to the fdbcli. For help, type `help'.


Show role by IP (NOTE: does not inclulde backup roles - unknown reason)

$ fdb-status | fdb-role-by-ip | fdb-unfold

Show role by process (NOTE: does not inclulde backup roles - unknown reason)

$ fdb-status | fdb-role-by-process | fdb-unfold | head

Show class by IP (does include backup nodes too)

$ fdb-status | fdb-class-by-ip | fdb-unfold | grep backup

Show class by process (does include backup nodes too)

$ fdb-status | fdb-class-by-process | fdb-unfold | grep log | head -n 3