SDE @societe-generale | @Samsung PRISM Developer | @MLH-Fellowship Summer'22 | @Google SRE | GSSoC | JP Morgan SDE | Developer ❤️ OpenSource
@Societe-Generale, @Samsung, @MLH-Fellowship, @github, @IoTHINC-VIT-ChennaiSociété Générale, Bangalore (India)
Pinned Repositories
A challenge to solve coding questions of top 6 companies in 30 days. An initiative started by Arsh Goyal. #RevisewithArsh #6Companies30Days
In this Tech Savvy era, with lot of advancements in the field of AI, ML, IoT and Deep Learning - People are randomly posting out random, partial and incomplete data on internet. ARMS proposes a Reviewed Article System in which article is published only after review. With added features for visually impaired, ARMS is ready to be implemented
Agriculture is a very significant contributor to the Indian economy.Farmers' most prevalent problem is that they are unable to make informed decisions on which crops are supported in their areas, as well as market and profit prices, which lead to lower productivity and less profit margins.
Personal GitHub Profile Customisation using several components and using README. Introduction, Social Handles, GitHub and Contribution Activity, Information about Issues and PR's.
Student Portal - Epitomia focuses to ease the learning process and the communication between the instructors and the students
TCR Team 4 : This repository concerns with the detection of a green ball using Python Module - OpenCV. And integrating it on a web interface using Flask.
A Vault Treasure application where you can store your Pending, Paid and Draft Transactions. Easy to Manage and Track your valuable treasures with user-friendly UI and simplicity
hariketsheth's Repositories
This repository includes the implementation of code that extracts the account information for a particular GitHub Username given as an input. Languages used are : Javascript, HTML and CSS
A Project to publish a Portfolio Website using the lessons and concepts learnt in Website Development Workshop with Hackclub VIT, Chennai
generate release PRs based on the conventionalcommits.org spec
This repository includes the code for a image slider along with a text, which slides vertically.
Simple Python Programs