harikrishnan-a-k's Stars
Building a REST Service with Spring Boot and MongoDB
Sample project that shows how to use JUnit 5 in Java and Spring-boot applications
its a small demo game similar to snake created usning JS DOM manipulation and Events.. Animation is achieved using transform property. A timer is added to control game time. score board is added using DOM methods. no JS library is used.
a demo website of kerala tourism department
A simple Maze game Using Matter JS library. Adiffernet Maze is created each time game loads. maze genarated using a recursive algorithm. Fully responsive and Mobile support added.
An AJAX single page application that can be used to compare Hollywood movies. work with data from a free API. contains a reusable autocomplete widget developed from scratch. Styling done with Bulma css framework.
nodewatcher is a tool that helps develop node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.
A n exercise to practice REACT state as Props concept using react hooks
a Tic Tac Toe Game with Unbeatable AI. All the javascript code code written in OOP paradigm. used bootstrap and Jquery
A Fully Functional Tic Tac Toe Game Built using React Hooks, styled-components, react-modal. The game has option to select 3 difficulty levels and uses unbeatable AI in hardest level.
A cool animated Timer widget using vanilla JavaScript. coded uding OOP paradigm. Animation implemented with help of SVG elementns. Responsive Design and Compatable with Mobile