Repo for 5th place solution for WNS Hackathon on AnalyticsVidhya

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

AV WNS Hackathon:

Repo for 5th place solution for WNS Hackathon on AnalyticsVidhya

  1. global var creation/ : directory for all data preparation codes
  2. models/: directory has all all the models used - 7LGBMs, 2 Catboost, 1 extratrees. Please extract all the model .ipynb using WinRar.
  3. GMean/ : Final ensemble code for geometric mean which gave the best score

Final Standing (amongst >6.5k participants):

  • Public: 5th Rank (LB: 0.7588627879)
  • Private 5th Rank (LB: 0.7510770755)
