
This is a nagios plugin which is used to monitor Silverpeak WAN devices using REST API

Primary LanguagePython


Nagios Silver Peak API Plugin:

nagios_silverpeak_api.py is written in python 3 and is used to monitor the Silver peak WAN SD network devices resources through REST API.

Usage: silverpeak_api.py [options]


--version show program's version number and exit

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-H HOST, --host=HOST Name/IP Address of the silverpeak device

-O OPTION, --option=OPTION

                    memory / swap / alarms / tunnels / nexthops / vrrp / diskinfo

-W WARN, --warning=WARN

                    Warning threshold

-C CRIT, --critical=CRIT

                    Critical threshold


python nagios_silverpeak_api.py -H hostname -O diskusage -W 80 -C 90
python nagios_silverpeak_api.py -H hostname -O alarms
python nagios_silverpeak_api.py -H hostname -O memory -W 80 -C 90