
BIC TestBeam Simulation

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BIC TB Simulation

Repository for GEANT4 simulation & analysis of BIC TB simulation.



CentOS 7 & CVMFS

Every dependencies can be found in CVMFS.

MacOS and Other OS's

Geant4 10.5.0 or 10.6.0 confirmed on MacOS 14.4.1
Simulation on Geant4 with higher version produce invalid output.
Recommend to use it only for geometry visualization.

For local installation

Geant4 must be built with cmake option -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON for simulation.
There are options to enable visulization like -DGEANT_USE_OPENGL_X11, -DGEANT_USE_QT and more.
For more information, Refer to https://geant4-userdoc.web.cern.ch/UsersGuides/InstallationGuide/html/

ROOT 6.30 confirmed on MacOS 14.4.1
Other versions may work.


export Geant4_DIR=/dir/to/geant4-install
export ROOT_DIR=/dir/to/ROOT

source setup.sh
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
make [-jN]
make install


cd install

This will launch interactive console and visualizatino window if enabled.


You can use below Geant4 commands to control visualization.
/vis/viewer/zoom N N times magnification. (N can be less than 1)
/vis/viewer/set/targetPoint X Y Z unit set center coordinate of rotation and zoom. (unit: m, mm, ...)
/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi T P [unit] rotate around target point.
/control/execute run_ele.mac execute external Geant4 macro.


./bin/analysis <path_to_root_file> <low_edge_of_hist> <high_edge>


./bin/analysis /home/USER/20GeV_ele_data 0 20