
We use two datasets - plants-based, and bank-note authentication datasets for the following analysis methods.
Plants-based dataset: data.txt file from
Bank-Note Authentication dataset: bill_authentication.csv from
Required files are included this repository.

Descriptive Analytics

Big Data Assignment - descriptive.ipynb ; Required file: data.txt

Here, the plants-based dataset is analysed and pre-processed with techniques like integer encoding, data imputation, feature selection and data visualisation methods. Processed dataset saved in plants_data.csv .

Predictive Analytics

Big Data Assignment - predictive.ipynb ; Required file: plants_data.csv

Classification algorithms are used to predict the Family attribute of a plant. Techniques used include feature scaling, SVM classifier, DBSCAN clustering, hyperparameter tuning to optimise learning parameters, and itemset mining methods.

Rules and Patterns

Big Data Assignment - Rules and Patterns.ipynb ; Required file: plants_data.csv

Using the processed plants dataset, Apriori algorithm is implemented to find frequent itemsets. Further, "interesting-ness" of the rules and petterns generated using various measures is validated.

Decision Tree and Bayes Classifier

Big Data Assignment - Decision Tree and Bayes Classifier.ipynb ; Required file: bill_authentication.csv

Decision Tree and Bayes Classifier are used to predict whether a bank note is genuine or forged.