
Week 1 Tasks - NodeJS Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The aim of this project is to run a simple server at port 8080.

The tool used for the same is the NodeJS-Express framework.


1.Install NodeJs: https://nodejs.org/en/

2.Clone this repository to your local machine.

3.To install Express and the dependencies:

The dependencies required for this project is listed in the 'package.json' file included in this repository.

Navigate to this repository on your local machine through the command-line.

Run the command npm install from the command-line to install all the dependencies required.

Using this project

1.On your machine, navigate to this repository through the command line (suitably git Bash for Windows users).

2.The server.js file is used to handle the API requests and demonstrate the tasks. Hence, run the command 'node server.js'.

You should see the message, 'App is listening on port 8080', in the command line window.

3.On your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/ to test the server.

4.The following URLs can be visited through the browser to execute the tasks mentioned:

(i) http://localhost:8080/

A "Hello World - Harini" message is displayed in the browser window.

(ii) http://localhost:8080/authors

A list of users and the count of their posts is displayed. The data is obtained through requests to the URLs-
User data: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users
Posts data: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts

(iii) http://localhost:8080/setcookie

Cookies with the key-value pairs: name-Harini, age-19 are set.

(iv) http://localhost:8080/getcookies

The key-value pairs of the cookies set are displayed in the browser window.

(v) http://localhost:8080/robots.txt

The response status is set as 401 ("Unauthorised") and the 'robots.html' file (contained in this repository) is displayed on the browser.

(vi) http://localhost:8080/html

The 'sample.html' file is displayed on the browser.

(vii) http://localhost:8080/input

The 'input.html' file is displayed on the browser which has a textbox input field. On clicking the 'Submit' button, the data in the input field is sent as a POST request to the /data endpoint in the server.

After clicking the 'Submit' button, you should see the data entered in input field being displayed in your command-line window. The data is also displayed on your browser window.