Personal Blog Build Status

This repository hosts the code for my personal blog website.

The website is powered by Pelican — a static site generator written in Python

Build Locally

The easiest way to do this is in a Python virtual environment.

Create a Virtual Environment

Once you have virtualenv installed, create a virtual environment to hold Pelican and its dependencies:

$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

This creates a virtual environment and then activates it. If you want to exit the virtual environment, type:

$ deactivate

Fork / Clone the Repo

If you haven't already, clone your version of the repo:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Install Pelican & Dependancies

Use pip to install the list of dependencies (including Pelican) into your virtual environment:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate the Website

Now that the dependencies exists, we can build:

$ fab build

This takes the Markdown files from the content/ directory and generates static HTML pages inside the output/ directory. That's it. No database required.

Preview the Website

You can serve the generated site so it can be previewed in your browser:

$ fab serve

And you should see the blog if you visit http://localhost:8000.

Blog Workflow

If you're interested in writing a blog post for the website, you need to:

  • Fork the repository
  • Write a blog post using Markdown in the content directory
  • Push the changes to a topic branch, like an-example-article, on your fork of the repository
  • Make a pull request against the source branch


This blog is hosted by GitHub Pages and uses CloudFlare for CDN and HTTPS. A Custom domain is used. Continuous integration with Travis builds the site everytime the source is updated.


The source code for generation of the blog is under MIT License. Content is copyrighted.


If you have any questions, you can email me.