
Demo api test framework

Primary LanguageJava

Demo API Automation Test Framework

The framework can demostrate below capabilities,

  1. Validating Status code
  2. Validating api schema
  3. Validating array size of the api's
  4. Create data using a post request with a body ( I have used a random generated UUID technique to create unique data )
  5. Api utility methods ( This is to develop reusable api calling methods )
  6. Data model POJO classes ( This is json deserialization. This helps to bind data from Json and validate data effectively)
  7. Dynamic data passing from another endpoint and its validation ( This is also called as API chaining )
  8. Testng assertions
  9. Testng listeners to customize default testng reports.
  10. Maven build ( builds can run successfully )
  11. Emailable report ( This is the default report generated by Maven and TestNG. However we can integrate extend report library as well )

The project structure is,


TestNG test run results,


Maven test run results,


Emailable results
