A Simple Auction Management System
Go Version: 1.14
Database: MYSQL 8
Micro Framework - https://github.com/micro/micro (Version 2)
go build ./cmd/bidding
bidding command has a sub command called service which will start it's child services
As per requirement, It has three services, you can run the given commands as in order.
First Setup the micro server, which provides service discovery and registration
micro server
Hope, you have already taken the build, execute the below command and start the auction micro service.
protoc --proto_path=.:$GOPATH/src --go_out=./internal --micro_out=./internal internal/auction/auction.proto && \
./bidding service auction --config configs/dev.bidding.yaml
Run the below command to start the User micro service.
protoc --proto_path=.:$GOPATH/src --go_out=./internal --micro_out=./internal internal/user/user.proto && \
./bidding service user --config configs/dev.bidding.yaml
This is the API server which serves apis to the frontend
go build ./cmd/bidding && ./bidding service frontend
Added Insomnia File in the docs folder. you can open it with Insomnia or using Postman.
/scripts directory has sql script to initialize the database