
Implementing ui-bootstrap in angular 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Implementing ui-bootstrap in angular 1 This repository contains my work on learning angular1 with bootstarp. Most of the ui-bootstrap are used as attributes.


  1. uib-accordion-group is the parent element attribute for all the accordion elements . without this you can't able to view the element.
  2. uib-accordion-header is used to set the heading content. If you click the heading content you can able to view the element

Note: uib-accordion-group is important, we can use other functions without it.


  1. ui-alert is used for angular-bootstrap Alert
  2. we need to declare the call back function .
  3. In bootstrap we need to define our own icon for close. but in angular it was pre-defiend and we can use it for our call back functions.
<!-- I tried to pass the element id but still it is unsuccessful.
 If you want to pass id we need to use ng-init to declare the id and then we can use it.
 I don't know why the HTMl-DOM "id" element is not working. -->


1. uib-btn-checkbox is the directive which has scope  
btn-checkbox-true and btn-checkbox-false.
2. ng-model is by default will be false.
3. If the value is assigned it is taken.   

1. uib-btn-radio is used to pass the radio button value to ng-model
2. ng-model is must for all the radio buttons and it should be same.
3. ng-model value will get changed for the values present in uib-btn-radio 

1. uib-btn-checkbox is important without this other attributes are useless
2. For all the radio buttons ng-model should be same.