
A simple flask API to scrape tweets from twitter using search keywords.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Flask Twitter

Tweet Scrapper

A API created using the flask framework which scrape tweets from twitter using the provided keywords. The tweepy package provides many abstract methods to make http request to the twitter API to get the tweets from twitter API.


  • /: A GET request endpoint for checking if the backend is up and running. Return "Welcome to twitter scrapper" on the GET request
  • /tweets?domain=keyword: A GET request endpoint wich is used to get the tweets from twitter based on the keyword provided as argumnet to the request.

Local Development

  • Sign up for a developer account in Twitter developer platform website and get to your developer portal to get the API key and ACCESS TOKEN.

  • Specify all the environment varibles in the .env file. The structure present in the sample.env file can be used to create the .env file.

  • Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/harisankar01/twitter_scrapper_api.git
cd twitter_scrapper_api
  • Run the local server
python3 wsgi.py

Then go to the url to get all the tweets regarding games from twitter. A sample json response from the API is,

  "Department": "games",
  "Time_of_tweet": "Thu, 04 Aug 2022 17:19:28 GMT",
  "User name": "kishore kumar",
  "tweet": "Glad to be present at the closing ceremony of the 4th @ONGC_ #ParaGames in New Delhi today. #ParaAthletes from India’s oil & gas PSUs showed exemplary skill and spirit at these games.These multi-talented ParaAthletes are assets to their organisations. @HardeepSPuri @PetroleumMin https://t.co/VQPxfBonlN",
  "tweet_associated_place": "",
  "tweeter_location": "New Delhi, India"

These tweets can be proceeced and integrated into many applications.