Kustomize Demo


This demo illustrates how to use Kustomize for managing Kubernetes manifests with a focus on applying common metadata across different environments. The demo includes a base configuration and overlays for development (dev) and production (prod) environments.

Directory Structure

├── base
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   └── service.yaml
├── dev
│   └── kustomization.yaml
└── prod
    └── kustomization.yaml
  • base: Contains the core Kubernetes manifests and a Kustomization file for common configurations.
  • dev: Contains the Kustomization file for the development environment, including specific metadata and configurations.
  • prod: Contains the Kustomization file for the production environment with its unique configurations.


  • Kubernetes cluster or Minikube
  • Kubectl with Kustomize integration (available in kubectl v1.14+)


Applying to Development Environment

To apply the configuration for the development environment, run:

kubectl apply -k dev/

Applying to Production Environment

To apply the configuration for the production environment, run:

kubectl apply -k prod/


Base Configuration

The base configuration includes a simple Deployment and Service for a web application. It serves as the foundation for both the development and production environments.

Development Environment

The development environment overlay adds specific labels, annotations, and environment-specific configurations like resource limits and image tags.

Production Environment

The production environment overlay includes different labels, annotations, and configurations tailored for production, such as higher replica counts and resource limits.


You can customize the base and overlays by editing the respective kustomization.yaml and resource files. For example, you can change the image tags, resource limits, or add new resources in the base or overlays.

Further Info

Check out the blog post here for more details: