
My dot files

Primary LanguageVim Script


My dot files


stow  --ignore=.local/Apps/neovim-distros/lunarvim/share --ignore=.local/Apps/neovim-distros/lunarvim/cache -t $HOME home

This includes

  • My openbox configuration files

    • my favorite keyboard-mappings

        <Meta-space>     : Launch kupfer (A program used to launch applications )
        <C-A-t>          : Launch terminal
        <C-A-Arrows>     : Move to workspaces
        <C-A-S-Arrows>   : Move to workspaces with current window
        <C-A-Numpad 1-9> : Tile windows as like Numpad's keys
        <C-A-End>        : Show shut-sown dialog
        <C-A-Delete>     : Show gnome-system-monitor
  • My SpaceFm configuration files (It's a Highly configurable file manager )

    • favorite keyboard-mappings

        <F4>     : Open terminal in cwd (In-built)
        <C-g>    : Open git-gui in cwd
        <M-v>    : Open gvim in cwd
        <C-S-x>  : Extract archive to cwd using file-roller
        <C-s>    : select file patern
        <C-S-S>  : show in-built file search dialog
        <C-S-v>  : paste link
        <A-i>    : switch to icon-view
        <A-d>    : switch to details-list-view
        <A-1..9> : switch tabs
  • My gvimrc

    • keyboard-mappings

        <A-1..9>           : Switch tabs
        <Leader><Leader>es : edit ~/.vimrc in new tab
        <Leader><Leader>en : edit current files snippets files in new tab
        <C-PageUp>         : Previous tab
        <C-PageDown>       : Next tab
        <C-S-PageUp>       : Move to previous tab position
        <C-S-PageDown>     : Move to next tab position
        <C-j>              : Move current window to previous tab position (With v-split)
        <C-k>              : Move current window to next tab position (With v-split)
        <A-Arrows>         : Move cursor to corresponding windows
        <Leader>sl         : Session List
        <Leader>sc         : Session List
  • My .profile file wich includes ~/.local/bin to PATH

  • mygeany script which opens /path/to/file:37: like format and put cursor on corresponding line number

  • myvim script does the same for gvim

  • update-npm-binaries script scan ~/node_modules and create links to binary tools to ~/.local/bin

Vim config for server

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harish2704/dotFiles/master/home/.config/nvim/server.vim -O ~/.vimrc