
Terrain relative navigation using imitation learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Required other ROS packages:


Add baylands model to gazebo path. (Baylands model is from OSRF latest gazebo commit)

How to gather data in Gazebo PX4 world

python data_gather.py will hover the UAV at the start location at height 5m.

python tele_operation.py will let us move the vehicle along the terrain.

rosrun trn_imitation_learning read_bag to write images to the folder specified in code. Update the folder location and do a catkin build.

The following keys are the mapped for desired effect:

            1. Left key - starts moving the drone forward by 1m/s.
            2. Up - increase z velocity by 0.5 m/s
            3. Down - decrease z velocity by 0.5m/s
            4. Shift - go back to initial start location
            5. Esc - quit recording keys (EXIT)

Learning code

Use src/write_tf_record.ipynb and src/imitation_learning.ipynb to learn UP, DOWN and STAY actions for the drone from depth images saved from rosrun trn_imitation_learning read_bag.


  • Run roslaunch trn_imitation_learning mavros_posix_sitl.launch to launch the gazebo world.
  • Run rosrun trn_imitation_learning data_gather to publish mono8 depth images.
  • Run python nn_controller.py and python imitation_learning.py to start the controller code and key mapping to enable nn control.
  • Press to switch to learned controller.



Screenshot of the world

Urban Environment alt text

Bayland Environment alt text