
Sapling template multi-module application using spring boot in gradle. Has advanced configuration pre-built for development and testing.

Primary LanguageJava

Multi-Module Spring Boot application with Gradle

This repository is to show sample of multi-module spring boot application with Gradle

Github Actions Build status

Build Status

Required Software, Tools and Version

  • Java JDK Version: 11 Adopt OpenJDK (java -version)
  • Git Client: Any latest version (git --version)
  • Integrated Development Environment: Any version of IntelliJ Idea or Eclipse (with Annotations Processing enabled for Immutables library)


  • Swagger UI and OpenAPI docs
  • Using Immutables java library for request and response dto in REST apis
  • Thymeleaf templates in server side web or html
  • Logback for application logs
  • Logback Access for tomcat access logs
  • Rest Assured library for testing api with request, response and curl commands captured in console and gradle test reports
  • Feature toggle integration test for spring application
  • Multi-module structure which reuses test classes between unit, integration and acceptance tests

Run unit and developer integration tests

./gradlew clean build

Run the application

./gradlew clean bootRun

Open the urls in the browser




Run the jar file

java -jar application/build/libs/application.jar

Run the qa acceptance test against target environment

./gradlew clean qaAcceptanceTest -DtestEnvironment=development


TEST_ENVIRONMENT='development' ./gradlew clean qaAcceptanceTest

Run the qa acceptance test against local

Run the application in a terminal

  ./gradlew clean bootRun

Run the tests in another terminal window

./gradlew clean qaAcceptanceTest