Flask Project Template

This project template uses Flask and Flask-Bootstrap and comes with the following folder structure:

- templates/
  - index.html
  - base.html
  - another_page.html

- static/
  - css/
    - style.css
  - js/
    - script.js

- requirements.txt
- app.py
- Procfile

HTML Templates

HTML template files include:

  • base.html which extends from Bootstrap/base.html
  • index.html which extends from base.html and is served on the ('/') route
  • another_page.html which also extends from base.html and is served on the ('/anotherpage') route


  1. Download the repo zip file locally (or use git clone with the HTTPS URL), extract it, and name the root folder your project name
  2. Open the project folder with your code editor
  3. Initialize Git with git init
  4. Setup your Python virtual environment with: python -m venv venv
  5. Activate your virtual environment with:
  • venv/Scripts/activate in Powershell
  • source venv/bin/activate in Terminal
  1. Install the project template's Python dependencies with: pip install -r requirements.txt

Run App

Run the app with python app.py. By default, the Flask server runs on

A Procfile is also provided if you would like to deploy your app to a production grade server using Heroku. See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-python#set-up