
An idempotency key middleware for Go gin framework with pluggable configurations

Primary LanguageGo



gin-idempotency is a middleware for the Gin webframework. It checks whether the Idempotency key is passed in the headers

An idempotency key is a unique value generated by you. Our servers use this key to recognize subsequent retries of the same request.

It is used in places where we need to prevent the impact recognize subsequent retries of the same request. It is mainly used in payment/transaction API's. More about idempotency


Download and install it using go get

go get github.com/VarthanV/gin-idempotency

Import it in your code

import "github.com/VarthanV/gin-idempotency"


using default config

package main

import (

func main() {
  r := gin.Default()

  r.POST("/transfer", func(c *gin.Context) {
    var existingIdempotentKey = "foo"
    // The value in the header will parsed and will be set in the context with the following key name by default 
    var idempotencyKeyFromCtx = c.GetString("IdempotencyKey")
    if idempotencyKeyFromCtx == existingIdempotentKey { 
        c.JSON(403, gin.H{"message":"send an new idempotency key"})

using custom config

package main

import (

func main() {
  r := gin.Default()
    /* The middleware by default looks for the header with the key name  ``Idempotency-Key``*/
    HeaderName: "foo" ,

    /* The value in the header will parsed and will be set in the context with the  key name IdempotencyKey in the gin context by default, You can customise it based on your needs by the ContextKeyName param */
    ContextKeyName: "foo-ctx" ,

    The httpStatusCode which you want to return incase the idempotencykey is not present default is 403
    StatusCode: 418 ,
    Response payload which you want to send to the client when the key is not present. Default response is {"error":"${{HeaderName}} is missing"}
    Response: map[string]string{"message":"idempotency-key-doesnt-exist"},
     Whitelist certain HTTP methods based on your needs
    WhitelistHTTPMethods: []string{"GET"}

  r.POST("/fund-transfer", func(c *gin.Context) {
    var existingIdempotentKey = "foo"
    // The value in the header will parsed and will be set in the context with the following key name by default 
    var idempotencyKeyFromCtx = c.GetString("IdempotencyKey")
    if idempotencyKeyFromCtx == existingIdempotentKey { 
        c.JSON(403, gin.H{"message":"send an new idempotency key"})