Hi there, I'm Harish

A software engineer by profession and a learner by heart. Learning new things every day, that's the purpose now. Giving back to the community remains the aim 🎯

World-class software's can be built anywhere. Even if that means you're working from a village 💚

👯 Looking to collaborate on open source projects using reactJS, nodeJS.

🥅 2024 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects, explore system design and full stack development.

✅ open to learning

⚡ Fun fact: I once answered the world's oldest question with a single line of JavaScript 🙈🙈🙈

// Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
console.log(["🥚", "🐣", "🐥", "🐔"].sort())

>>> ["🐔", "🥚", "🐣", "🐥"];

Made with ❤, by Harish Sambasivam