
This repository is for the Computer Vision Nano-degree Program from Udacity.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Computer Vision Techniques & Practice

This repository contains different techniques used in Computer Vision from classical techniques to deep learning based approaches. The contents start with simple concepts & examples and use Open CV. In the later sections deep learning based approaches are tried where Scene Understanding to Object Detection have been implemented for practice.

Solutions uses multiple techniques across frameworks like PyTorch,Tensorflow & Keras.


  1. Image Representation
  2. Computer Vision Fundatamentals
  3. Camera Calibration
  4. Gradients Color Spaces
  5. Object Detection
  6. Object Detection Technique
  7. Object Tracking & Localisation
  8. Kalman Filters
  9. Lane Detection
  10. Neural Networks
  11. Tensorflow
  12. Deep Neural Networks
  13. CNNs
  14. Keras
  15. Transfer Learning
  16. Fully Convolution Network
  17. Scene Understanding