Altium Library

My altium footprints and schematic symbols.

Originally part of a monolithic library, currently migrating to an excel backed database library to simplify working with similar parts.

If you would like to add a component or suggest an alteration, open an issue or a pull request.


Add altium-library.dblib to your project or to the environment using DXP->Preferences->Data Management->Installed Libraries

Adding components

If the component does not exist

  1. Create a Schematic library file containing the schematic symbol in symbols/
  2. If there is not already an existing footprint, create a PCB Library containing the component footprint in footprints/
  3. Add a line to electronpowered.xls in the applicable sheet
  4. Right click on the library and refresh in altium.

If the component already exists

For resistors values or other like components:

  1. Open the database file electronpowered.xls
  2. Locate the closest component (ie. RES-SM-0603-33K)
  3. Copy the component line
  4. Paste into a new line
  5. Alter the appropriate fields
  6. Right click on the library and refresh in altium.