
This repo was built in the framework of the "Microbiome Data Analyses Workshop" from 20 to 23 April 2021. PEMA was presented there and here you can find all the related material.

Primary LanguageUnrealScript

Tutorials, hands-on and classes using the PEMA workflow

PEMA (Zafeiropoulos et al. 2020) supports the complete analysis of 4 marker genes: 16S/18S rRNA, ITS and COI. In its latest version a new module was added to enable the use of custom reference databases.

You may find more about PEMA on its documentation site but also on its GitHub repo.

You may have a look on PEMAv2 on its recent presentation at DNAQUAnet2021.

PEMA tutorials repo

On this GitHub repository (repo), you will find material used for PEMA-oriented tutorials, hands-on an classes.

To get the repo you need to run:

git clone https://github.com/hariszaf/pema-tutorials.git

For each event, a certain branch of the repo is dedicated to.

Here is the list of events along with their corresponding branches:

event branch name
MDAWO mdawo
MSc class @ Democretio ms-democr-class

To checkout in a specific branch, you need to run:

git checkout <branch-name>

PEMA as an open source project

👍🥳💯 If you're interested in contributing at the code level, you may have a look here. 💯

To contact PEMA team you can find us at: pema@hcmr.gr or through PEMA's Gitter community.

About me

My name is Haris Zafeiropoulos and I am a bioinformatician and a post-doc in systems biology at KU Leuven at the lab of microbial systems biology. I pursued my PhD at University of Crete, Greece and at the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) focusing on ecosystem functioning and microbial interactions via computational methods.

Here you may find more about me and you can contact me at haris.zafeiropoulos@kuleuven.be.