- 5
Wrong sample names in OutputPerSample
#69 opened by JustinePa - 1
Long recurrent taxonomic labels
#68 opened by stas-malavin - 17
- 1
Storage usage of PEMA
#65 opened by savvas-paragkamian - 5
- 0
time consuming preprocessing
#63 opened by hariszaf - 2
Needed updates on "PEMA's output"
#62 opened by JustinePa - 4
When Swarm is chosen for the ITS, the names of the sequences are OtuXX and not ASVXX
#61 opened by cpavloud - 0
16s copy number
#60 opened by hariszaf - 5
- 2
PEMA to create a run summary file
#55 opened by kmexter - 12
- 12
Parameters file in a structured format
#35 opened by hariszaf - 2
Describe formally the pema output
#38 opened by hariszaf - 1
- 3
- 1
extended final table
#53 opened by kmexter - 1
PEMA Ro-Crate
#54 opened by kmexter - 2
MIDORI updates
#56 opened by kmexter - 1
Add alternative ref db for the case of COI
#20 opened by hariszaf - 3
- 0
Upgrade to crest4
#51 opened by hariszaf - 2
Option of running PEMA in distinct steps
#43 opened by georgiatari - 0
- 5
custom_ref_db doesn't work.
#50 opened by hyeiny119 - 4
add remove_singletons option in OTU pipeline
#47 opened by natgiot - 4
HPC job specifications
#49 opened by marymcelroy - 1
Error when unzipping using a checkpoing
#48 opened by hariszaf - 1
PEAR as merging algorithm in PEMA
#42 opened by georgiatari - 1
- 2
alternative database for COI marker gene
#41 opened by hariszaf - 1
Add new database for 16S/18S (SILVA 138)
#26 opened by cpavloud - 0
Species level missed in `finalTable.tsv`
#36 opened by hariszaf - 6
Data provenance considerations
#28 opened by cpavloud - 1
ITS sanity check fails
#34 opened by probonas - 3
Add 12S marker gene
#32 opened by hariszaf - 1
Add alternative db for the case of 18S rRNA
#21 opened by hariszaf - 4
PEMA dependencies
#13 opened by deniskristak - 4
- 3
Empty 8.outputPerSample folder
#25 opened by cpavloud - 1
Fatal error: ./pema_latest.bds, line 446
#10 opened by ElhamKarimi - 4
Conversion to ENA format - Sample names
#23 opened by cpavloud - 0
- 3
Fail with 18S data and vsearch algorithm
#22 opened by hariszaf - 1
Fail with 18S data and swarm algorithm
#24 opened by cpavloud - 1
Getting an error about '16S_otutab.txt': No such file or directory with the example
#2 opened by pradac - 8
- 8
- 6
Checkpoint not working
#1 opened by jedlennox