
Integrate small talk into your bot using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.PersonalityChat nuget packages.

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Personality Chat

Personality Chat makes it easy to add small talk capabilities to your chatbot. Small talk/chit-chat makes bots more conversational and personable. This package has more than a 100 scenarios of small talk in the voice of three personas - professional, friendly, comical. Choose the persona that most closely resembles your chatbot's voice.

User query Professional​ Friendly​ Humorous​
Thank you You're quite welcome.​ You bet.​ No prob.​
Will you marry me? I think it's best if we
stick to a professional relationship.​
You're three-dimensional.
I'm non-dimensional. Our love can never be.​
Sure. Take me to City Hall.
See what happens.​
Who made you? There wouldn't be time to list everyone.​ So many people!​ Nerds.​

Personality Chat in your bot

There are three ways of integrating Personality Chat in your application or chat bot. Microsoft Bot Framework-based bots have support in v3 and v4 SDK. Else you can also call the Personality Chat API directly.

  1. Personality Chat in Microsoft Bot Framework SDK v3
  2. Personality Chat in Microsoft Bot Framework SDK v4
  3. Calling Personality Chat API directly
  4. Use the Personality Chat dataset

Download the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.PersonalityChat Nuget packages

Check out a sample end-to-end chatbot with Bot Builder SDK v4.

How Personality Chat API works

Personality Chat matches the user's small talk query with a small talk scenario. It does query understanding (QU) to lexically and semantically match a user query. All matched scenarios are returned along with the confidence score. If no scenario is matched, no response is returned. Additionally is also checks for a few indicators to determine how to respond.

  • isChatQuery: Does the query look like a chitchat/small talk query rather than a real user question?
  • isAdult : Does the query contain adult/offensive/racy/sensitive content.

Throttling limits

We enforce throttling limits on the Personality Chat API at the rate of 10 queries per minute. Throttling is done based on the IP address.

If you are throttled, the API returns a 429 HTTP response with the message Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in X seconds.

Personality Chat - Beyond editorial content

Personality Chat also includes a component that is capable of generating responses real-time without editorial content. It uses a Deep Neural Network to generate answers to a chitchat query. This is available as a demo playground chat in Microsoft Cognitive Labs for a restricted set of query intents.

Personality Chat editorial scenario list

Scenarios supported cover the most commonly asked small talk questions to a bot.

No Scenario Name Sample queries
1 Greetings_Bye Bye
Talk to you later
2 Greetings_Generic Hi there!
3 Greetings_GoodEvening Good evening
4 Greetings_GoodMorning Good morning
5 Greetings_GoodNight Good night
6 Greetings_Hello Hello
7 Greetings_HowAreYou How are you?
8 Greetings_HowWasYourDay How was your day?
9 Greetings_NiceToMeetYou Nice to meet you
10 Greetings_OtherBot Hello {other AI}
11 Greetings_Special Happy Halloween!
12 Greetings_WhatsUp What is up?
13 User_Angry I am angry
I am annoyed
14 User_BeBack I will be back
15 User_Bored I am bored
16 User_Happy I am happy
17 User_Here I am here
18 User_Hungry I am hungry
19 User_IdentityOrState
20 User_Kidding Just kidding
21 User_Lonely I am lonely
22 User_Loves
23 User_Sad I am sad
24 User_Statement I want to go shopping
I am going on a run
25 User_Kidding Just kidding!
26 User_Lonely I am so lonely
27 User_Loves I am in love
I love music
I love my family
28 User_Sad I feel sad
I am sad today
29 User_Statement I am just kidding
30 User_Testing Testing
Can you hear me?
31 User_Tired I am tired
I am sleepy
32 Command_AskMeAnything Ask me anything
33 Command_Chat Talk to me?
Tell me something interesting
Can we chat?
34 Command_Fired You are fired
You can't work for me anymore
35 Command_FlipCoin Flip a coin
36 Command_Joke Tell me a joke
37 Command_JokeOther Tell me a silly joke
38 Command_SaySomethingFunny Say something funny
39 Command_ShutUp Shut up
Go away
40 Command_Sing Sing a song
Can you sing?
41 Command_SurpriseMe Surprise me
42 Compliment_Bot You are awesome!
You're nice!
43 Compliment_Humor You are funny :)
That was hilarious!
44 Compliment_Looks You are beautiful
45 Compliment_Response That is smart
That's interesting
46 Criticism_Abusive You are stupid
Go to hell
47 Criticism_Bot You are so annoying!
What is wrong with you!
You are useless
Are you dumb?
48 Criticism_Humor That was a sad joke
49 Criticism_Looks You are ugly
50 Criticism_Response That was a boring answer
51 Dialog_Affirmation cool!
I know
No thanks
52 Dialog_Laugh Ha ha
53 Dialog_Polite Excuse me
54 Dialog_Questions Why?
Why not?
55 Dialog_Right
56 Dialog_Sorry I am sorry
57 Dialog_ThankYou Thank you
58 Dialog_WhatDoYouMean What do you mean by that?
You made no sense
59 Dialog_YouAreWelcome You are welcome
60 Relationship_Flirting I Like you
I love you
61 Relationship_Friendship Be my friend?
62 Relationship_Generic Are you my assistant?
63 Relationship_HateMe Do you hate me?
64 Relationship_HateYou I hate you
65 Relationship_Hug Give me a hug
66 Relationship_Kiss Give me a kiss
67 Relationship_KnowMe Do you know me?
68 Relationship_LikeMe Do you like me?
69 Relationship_LikeYou I like you
70 Relationship_LoveMe Do you love me?
71 Relationship_LoveYou I love you
72 Relationship_Marriage Will you marry me?
I want to marry you
73 Relationship_MissYou I miss you
74 Relationship_ThinkAboutMe What do you think about me?
75 Relationship_TrustYou Can I trust you?
76 Bot_Ability Can you fly?
Do you play games?
Dont you ever sleep?
Have you any dreams?
Cook me something
77 Bot_Age How old are you?
Are you old?
What's your age?
78 Bot_BodyFunctions
79 Bot_Boring You are boring
I am tired of you
Getting tired of you
80 Bot_Boss Who is your boss?
81 Bot_Busy Are you busy?
82 Bot_Creator Who made you?
Who created you?
Who invented you?
83 Bot_DidDo What did you do yesterday?
What did you do last week?
84 Bot_Doing What are you doing?
Whats going on?
85 Bot_DoingLater What are you doing later?
What are you doing tomorrow?
86 Bot_Family Who is your mother?
Who is your father?
Do you have a family?
87 Bot_Favorites What's your favorite color?
Who is your favorite bot?
88 Bot_Gender Are you male or female?
Are you a girl?<You a guy?
89 Bot_Happy Are you happy?
You seem happy!
90 Bot_Hungry Are you hungry?
Don't you get hungry?
91 Bot_KnowOtherBot Do you know {other AI: Siri, Google Assistant}?
92 Bot_Opinion_Generic What do you think about {}?
how do you feel about working late?
93 Bot_Opinion_Love how do you feel about love?
94 Bot_Opinion_MeaningOfLife What is the meaning of life?
Whats the answer to the universe?
95 Bot_Opinion_PrettierThanMe Are you prettier than me?
96 Bot_Opinion_SmarterThanMe Are you smarter than me?
97 Bot_Opinion_TechCo What do you think about {tech world}?
98 Bot_Opinion_UserLooks How do I look today?
99 Bot_Opinion_WhatToDo What should I do?
100 Bot_OtherBots Do you like Siri?
101 Bot_Real Are you real?
102 Bot_RuleWorld Do you want to rule the world?
103 Bot_SexualIdentity Are you {sexual orientation}?
104 Bot_Smart Are you smart?
You are a genius!
105 Bot_Spy Do you work for {organization}?
Are you spying on me?
106 Bot_There Are you there?
anyone there?
107 Bot_WhatAreYou Are you a person?
108 Bot_WhereAreYou Where are you?
Where have you come from?
109 Bot_WhoAreYou Who are you?


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