
SuperChat is a realtime chat application that allows users to chat with multiple users simultaneously

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Super Chat

Super Chat is a realtime chat application that solves the most common problem of chatting with multiple users simultaneously in realtime without leaving the screen.

Checkout the working app at http://super-chatt.herokuapp.com

This app is built using

  1. React (for frontend)
  2. Node + Express (for backend)
  3. MongoDB (NoSQL database)
  4. Socket.io (for real-time data transfer)

Testing Locally

  • Check out the production branch for ready to deploy code
  1. Run
npm install

on frontend and backend directories

  1. Create a database named 'superchat' with 2 collections (ie) 'users' and 'messages' in MongoDB atlas /local Mongo server and note down the url

  2. Run

At frontend dir:
npm start

At backend dir:
mongodb={mongo-url} npm start
  • Note that socket.io sometimes doesn't work on proxy server. So remove 'proxy' in frontend/package.json and replace BACKEND in Login.js and Chatbox.js with your localhost ex:(BACKEND='http://localhost:5000')

Happy chatting superchatting :)