
Android digit classifier that works with a python http server

Primary LanguageJava


Android digit classifier that works with a python http server

Steps to get it working

  1. Clone the repo, import project in android studio, build and run on your phone or emulator.
  2. Open pythonScripts folder and run server.py by using command python server.py PORT_NUMBER. Replace PORT_NUMBER by some feasible port number, say 8800.
  3. run ngrok.exe and use command ngrok http PORT_NUMBER. Replace PORT_NUMBER by same port number used in step 2.
  4. Inside the app set URL same as the one you receive in step 3, something like http://abcdefgh.ngrok.io.
  5. Capture an Image using the SELECT button, and then use SEND button to send the image as a POST request to the python server and receive final image as a GET request.

Schematic Diagram

                   POST image                     Forward                        Forward
  `Andoroid App` -------------> `ngrok server` -------------> `python server` -------------> `perform recognition`
         ^                          |     ^                       |     ^                             |
         |__________________________|     |_______________________|     |_____________________________|
                  GET image                         Forward                      Write final image


python server


ngrok server



--SELECT--> --SEND-->