Quiz app using HTML, CSS, and Javascript from harjot singh for assessment
Arcitecture :
Index file | | | | game highscore
we create game.html and game.css.
- Display Hard Coded Questions
- Create
file - Create functions that load questions, identify selected answers
Need to figure out how to query each of the .choice-text
elements, so using data-number="X"
We then change that to an array using const choices = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("choice-text"));
JavaScript Spread syntax to bring the questions
array into the availableQuestions
Then I also uses the [splice] method which adds/removes items to/from an array.
Display Feedback for Correct/Incorrect Answers
- Apply a class to the question element based on correct/incorrect answer selection
- use setTimeout to display the correct/incorrect answer for 1000ms before calling getNewQuestion();
- Add the HTML/CSS elements to create a header (Question and Score)
- Created function to increment score if answer is correct.
- Create a Progress Bar
- The progress bar is filled in by adjusting the width of inner div using rogressBarFull.style.width =
${(questionCounter / MAX_QUESTIONS) * 100}%
At end I did :
- Created
files - Added CSS for forms
- Added function to
that checks for a value in the username field to disable to the save button
Score saving :
Save High Scores in Local Storage
Saves player's score to local storage
localStorage.setItem("mostRecentScore", score);
Application tab > Local Storage
sort high scores, limit scores to top 5, and write them to local storage
Load and Display High Scores from Local Storage
, andhighscores.js
pages -
Pulls in high scores from local storage using
const highScores = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('highscores')) || [];
Use JS array map() to convert the returned array from local storage to elements for an HTML list
Fetch API to Load Local Questions:
- Move hard coded questions from
- questions from
and display them in the console:
Fetch API to Load Questions API:
Uses Open Trivia DB API to pull questions. Side note: I installed JSON Formatter into Chrome to be able to view the returned JSON in a cleaner format.
The format in which questions are returned from Open Trivia DB is not the format we use in our app. So we're going to use a map function to clean it up.
This is end