
C Programming course material delivered by slides-as-code.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


KEEN RISK (KERI) - C Programming course material delivered by slides-as-code.


KERI was created to aid in the revision and formatting of C programming training material. KERI was named in honor of KErnighan and RItchie, without whom the landscape of our global society would be surprisingly unfamiliar. Additionally, I believe the phrase "keen risk" is a vaguely accurate description of the C programming languge.


To build and archive the slides from their raw .rst format using this repository's makefile, independent of host operating system, you will need the following:

  • Ruby
  • Ruby Gems
  • Python3
  • Hovercraft
  • Bourbon
  • GNU Make

See: Installation

Repository Structure

  • LICENSE: Repository license file.
  • README.md: This file.
  • slides_raw: Directory containing raw .rst "source" files.
  • slides_build: Directory containing HTML pages "compiled" from the raw .rst "source" files.
  • slides_archive: Directory containing zip-formatted archive files containing the "compiled" HTML pages.


  1. Ruby
  2. Ruby Gems: "Ruby 1.9 and newer ships with RubyGems built-in but you may need to upgrade for bug fixes or new features. To upgrade RubyGems, visit the download page."
  3. Python3
  4. Hovercraft
  5. Bourbon
  6. GNU Make
    • Linux
      • Consider using your package manager (e.g., apt install build-essential) -or-
      • Download and install manually
    • Windows
      • Download and install manually
      • Override the default installation directory to be C:\GnuWin32, or something similar, because Powershell doesn't like the (x86) directory name
      • Add the absolute path to the make.exe file (C:\GnuWin32\bin\ in this example) to the PATH environment variable so you can execute make commands

Compile Slides


This will validate dependencies, clean existing files/directories, and compile all .rst files found in the slides_raw directory. From the Makefile's local directory:


(AKA make all)

Each of the individual steps may be manually executed:

make validate  # Validates software dependencies: bourbon, hovercraft.
make clean     # Deletes HTML directories from slides_build and all archive files from slides_archive.
make compile   # Builds everything from scratch for all .rst files found in the slides_raw directory.

These Makefile recipes work in both Linux and Windows operating systems.


Example commands to build raw .rst files into a "compiled" HTML page. These commands are Linux-centric. More generic commands, in the form of a Makefile, to come.

From the top-level repo directory:

cd slides_raw
bourbon install  # This only needs to be done once
cd ..
mkdir ./slides_built/00_00-EXAMPLES/
hovercraft --slide-numbers ./slides_raw/00_00-EXAMPLES.rst ./slides_built/00_00-EXAMPLES/
firefox ./slides_built/00_00-EXAMPLES/index.html  # As one example of what to open and how to open it