
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


This package aims to provide a guard mechanism to a project using go_router and riverpod. Main usage is to enhance the state based declarative routing with certain subtrees being protected by some logic.


A simple abstract class that the specific guards extend and has to override its passes(): bool function.


A GoRouter proxy. This has a routes: List<RouteBase> just like the GoRouter. It accepts not only the standard routes (GoRoute and ShellRoute) but also some custom route types defined by this package:

  • GuardAwareGoRoute (extends GoRoute)
    • there is a simple goRoute function which returns a GuardAwareGoRoute, to make it easy to switch from GoRoute to goRoute
  • GuardShell<T> and DiscardShell<T> (extends ShellRoute)


A helper class to supply to the GoRouter's refreshListenable. Providers (only always alive ones) can be given to it, whom notifications are triggering the reevaluation of the current route.


  • A certain subtree can be "protected" by a guard. (only allow /dashboard when AuthGuard passes)

    • can be defined via GuardShell<T>([...routes])
  • All guards must have one assigned route which is the shield route. A "shield" is where the guard can be resolved. (eg: solving the requirement of AuthGuard can be done on the /login path)

    • can be defined via the GuardAwareGoRoute's shieldOf: Type parameter
    • if missing then ShieldRouteMissingException is thrown,
    • if multiple shield path are defined for a guard then MultipleShieldRouteException is thrown.
  • A certain subtree can be "discarded" by a guard. Meaning that some paths are irrelevant once a guard is passing. (eg /get-started or /signed-out does not make sense when AuthGuard passes)

    • can be defined via
      • the GuardAwareGoRoute's discardedBy: List<Type> parameter
      • or the DiscardShell<T>([...routes]) shell route
    • In case of such discarding guard is defined for a subtree, then a "followUp" route has to be defined for said guard using the followUp: Type parameter. (otherwise FollowUpRouteMissingException is thrown)
      • the followUp route is used when
        • the current route is discarded by all it's parent guards. (in other words all the guards which are defined to be discarding the current route are passing)
    • In case there is a followUp route defined for a guard, but no discardedBy or DiscardShell, then MissingDiscardingRouteForFollowUpException is thrown.


The routes given to the GuardedGoRouter are analyzed and based on what is their current context, each route's redirect is set to a function (the explicitly defined route level redirect has higher precedence) which implements above described logic. The buildRouter required parameter is a function which has to return the actual GoRouter and in its params there are the routes. These routes are the post processed routes that were given to the GuardedGoRouter. (with the redirect appending logic, and with pruning the GuardShell and DiscardShell routes)

When the user tries to access a path that is protected by some guards, then all guards must pass in order to end up on that path. If there is a guard which is not passing, then a redirect happens to first guard's shield route, with also appending the current path as continue query parameter. (eg: user wants to go to /profile/settings but the AuthGuard throws them back to /login?continue=/profile/settings) This continue saving logic can be disabled if not desired using:

  • GuardShell([...routes], savesLocation: false) (defining on the guard)
  • GuardAwareGoRoute(ignoreAsContinueLocation: false) (defining on the route)
  • Invoking the navigation logic inside guardedGoRouter.neglectContinue(() { ... })

NOTE: continue is only appended as query param, if the path in question is not a shield path of some route.

## Caveat

Consider the following two scenarios:

  1. When the user tries to navigate to /dashboard/:id but it is protected by AuthGuard. Then the system redirects the user to /login?continue=/dashboard/:id which is desired in this case (user should get back to where they initially wanted to go once they log in successfully)
  2. When the user is at the /dashboard/:id and clicks the logout button the redirecting should be triggered (via the GoNotifier) and recognize that the current route is guarded, so it has to redirect the user to /login although in this case appending the continue parameter is undesired, since the user simply wanted to log out.

The redirect mechanism of go_router doesn't really know anything about "prior" locations or the "direction" of the user (going from outside -> inside, or inside -> outside)

Because of this in some cases the url has to be cleared manually to discard this continue behavior.