Extend Web3 functionality for Ebakus blockchain.
npm install --save web3-ebakus
Load it from CDN:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/web3-ebakus"></script>
You can find what is the latest version number of the library here. The script tag above to
points to latest endpoint which does a redirect.
or build running the following from the root folder of the repository:
npm run-script build
Then include lib/web3-ebakus.browser.min.js
in your html file.
This will expose the Web3Ebakus
object on the window object.
- Web3 ^1.2.0
import Web3Ebakus from 'web3-ebakus'
import Web3 from 'web3'
const web3 = Web3Ebakus(new Web3())
You can also have a look at the example page.
Additionally you can use the library with web3-provider-engine. Check this section.
The suggestDifficulty
queries the node for the suggested target difficulty needed for the PoW in order for a transaction to enter a block taking into account current congestion levels and address stake. The difficulty will be used in calculateWorkForTransaction
.then(difficulty => console.log(difficulty))
web3.eth.calculateWorkForTransaction(transaction, targetDifficulty, ctrlWorkForTransactionState, callback)
The calculateWorkForTransaction
calculates the PoW needed for a transaction to enter a block by a block producer.
const tx = {
/* transaction object */
web3.eth.calculateWorkForTransaction(tx, /* targetDifficulty */ 1).then(tx => {
/* do something with tx */
is also available for
objects, which is useful for chaining
The ctrlWorkForTransactionState
and callback
parameters are optional.
: this is an object that will be populated with some useful methods when passed.isRunning()
: state of workergetCurrentWorkNonce()
: returns the current workNonce while worker is runningkill()
: kills the worker
let ctrl = {} // log worker state every 500ms const logger = setInterval(() => { console.log('isRunning', ctrl.isRunning()) console.log('getCurrentWorkNonce', ctrl.getCurrentWorkNonce()) // stop logging once worker finished if (!ctrl.isRunning()) { clearInterval(logger) } }, 500) // kill worker after 3seconds // setTimeout(() => { // ctrl.kill(); // }, 3000); web3.eth.calculateWorkForTransaction(transaction, 1, ctrl).then(tx => { /* do something with tx */ })
: you can read more here
The estimatePoWTime
estimates how much time the current hardware will take for doing PoW based on target difficulty and transaction gas.
web3.eth.suggestDifficulty(accountAddress).then(difficulty => {
.estimatePoWTime(difficulty, /* gas */ 100000)
.then(powTimeInSeconds => console.log(powTimeInSeconds))
: this is the target difficulty to achieve so as transaction gets produced. (default = 2)gas
: this is the transaction gas. (default = 21000)callback
: you can read more here
The getAbiForAddress
returns the ABI for a contract, if this has been set by the developer.
.then(abi => console.log(JSON.parse(abi)))
The getStaked
returns the staked amount for an account.
: the account address.blockNumber
: block number from which to read the staked amount. You can uselatest
string for fetching from latest block.
.getStaked(accountAddress, 'latest')
.then(staked => console.log('Staked amount is: ' + staked / 10000))
The db.select
allows performing selects with conditions ordered by column name.
: contract address that created the DB tablestableName
: table namewhereClause
: where condition for finding an entry Supported conditions are "<", ">", "=", "==", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE" Example use case: Phone = "555-1111" Id >= 3orderClause
: order clause for sorting the results using "ASC" or "DESC" Example use case: Phone DESCblockNumber
: block number to read from EbakusDB state. You can uselatest
string for fetching from latest block.
web3.db.select(contractAddress, tableName, whereCondition, orderByColumn, blockNumber)
.then(iterator =>
web3.db.next(iter).then(entry => console.log(entry)
The db.next
returns the next result of the select performed through web3.db.select()
The db.releaseIterator
should be called once, if not all iterator entries has been read using db.next
, in order the iterator taken from db.select
to be released.
The db.get
allows fetching a single item. Check for its params at web3.db.select()
.get(contractAddress, tableName, whereCondition, orderByColumn, blockNumber)
.then(entry => console.log(entry))
The web3-ebakus
can be loaded as a subprovider of web3-provider-engine
. For doing this you can load the subprovider from web3-ebakus/lib/web3-ebakus.web3-subprovider.node.js
for targeting node.js or from web3-ebakus/lib/web3-ebakus.web3-subprovider.esm.js
for targeting web. Check the following example code:
const Web3 = require('web3')
const ProviderEngine = require('web3-provider-engine')
const Web3EbakusSubprovider = require('web3-ebakus/lib/web3-ebakus.web3-subprovider.node.js')
const web3 = new Web3('https://rpc.ebakus-testnet.com')
const engine = new ProviderEngine()
const web3ebakus = new Web3EbakusSubprovider({ web3: web3 })
// ... add more providers as needed