
Building model on Netflix data to understand the movie/shows that are similar to each other and different from one another by creating clusters and content-based recommender system that recommends movies similar to the movie the user likes which may be leveraged to offer the consumers personalized show suggestions depending on their preferences.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Netflix Movie and TV Show Clustering

Netflix is the world's largest online streaming service provider, with over 220 million subscribers as of 2022-Q2. It is crucial that they effectively cluster the shows that are hosted on their platform in order to enhance the user experience, thereby preventing subscriber churn.

Table of Content

Problem Statement

In 2018, they released an interesting report which shows that the number of TV shows on Netflix has nearly tripled since 2010. The streaming service’s number of movies has decreased by more than 2,000 titles since 2010, while its number of TV shows has nearly tripled. It will be interesting to explore what all other insights can be obtained from the same dataset. We will be able to understand the shows that are similar to and different from one another by creating clusters, which may be leveraged to offer the consumers personalized show suggestions depending on their preferences.


The goal of this project is to classify/group the Netflix shows into certain clusters such that the shows within a cluster are similar to each other and the shows in different clusters are dissimilar to each other.


The dataset is collected from Flixable which is a third-party Netflix search engine. This dataset consists of tv shows and movies available on Netflix as of 2019. It includes over 7787 records and 12 attributes. Each attribute is provide information about movies/TV shows. More details of the dataset can be found in the kaggle website. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sambhajizambre/netflix-movies-and-tv-shows-clustering?select=netflix_titles.csv

Data Pipeline

  1. Analyze Data:
    • In this initial step we went to look for different features available and tried to understand the data . During this stage, we looked for the shape of data, data types of each feature, statistical summary etc.
  2. EDA:
    • EDA or Exploratory Data Analysis is the critical process of performing the initial investigation on the data. So, through this we have observed certain trends and dependencies and drawn certain conclusions from the dataset that will be useful for further processing
  3. Data Cleaning:
    • Checked duplicated values present in the dataset. After that comes the null value and outlier detection and treatment. For the null values imputation we simply replace with empty string and drop some of the null rows then analyze outlier and handling.
  4. Textual Data Preprocessing:
    • During this stage, cluster the data based on the attributes: director, cast, country, genre, rating and description. Data preprocessing include Remove all stop words and punctuation marks, convert all textual data to lowercase. Stemming to generate a meaningful word out of corpus of words. Tokenization of corpus and Word vectorization. We used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to handle the curse of dimensionality.
  5. Clusters Implementation:
    • Use K Means and Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering algorithms to cluster the movies, obtain the optimal number of clusters using different techniques.
  6. Build Content Based Recommendation System:
    • A content based recommender system was built using the similarity matrix obtained after using cosine similarity. This recommender system will display 10 recommendations to the user based on the type of movie/show they watched.

Project Structure

├── README.md
├── Dataset 
├── EDA
│   ├── Numeric & Categoric features
│   ├── Univariate Analysis
│   ├── Bivariate Analysis
│   ├── Multivariate Analysis
│   ├── Data Cleaning
│       ├── Duplicated values
│       ├── NaN/Missing values
│       ├── Treating Skewness
│       ├── Treating Outlier 
├── Textual Data Preprocessing
│   ├── Clustering Attributes
|   ├── Removing Stopwords
|   ├── Lowercasing words
|   ├── Removing Punctuation
|   ├── Stemming
│       ├── Snowball Stemmer
|   ├── Word Vectorization
|       ├── TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency)
|   ├── Dimenssionality Reduction
|       ├── PCA (Principle Component Analysis)
├── Model Building
|   ├── Clustering Implemention
|       ├── K-Means Clustering
|           ├── Elbow Method
|           ├── Silhoutte Score Analysis
|       ├── Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
|           ├── Dendogram
|   ├── Content Based Recommendation System
├── Report
├── Presentation
├── Result
└── Reference


In this project, we worked on a text clustering problem wherein we had to classify/group the Netflix shows into certain clusters such that the shows within a cluster are similar to each other and the shows in different clusters are dissimilar to each other.

  • The dataset contained about 7787 records, and 11 attributes. We began by dealing with the dataset's missing values and doing exploratory data analysis (EDA).
  • It was found that Netflix hosts more movies than TV shows on its platform, and the total number of shows added on Netflix is growing exponentially. Also, majority of the shows were produced in the United States.
  • It was decided to cluster the data based on the attributes: director, cast, country, genre, rating and description. The values in these attributes were tokenized, preprocessed, and then vectorized using TFIDF vectorizer.
  • Through TFIDF Vectorization, we created a total of 10000 attributes.
  • We used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to handle the curse of dimensionality. 3000 components were able to capture more than 80% of variance, and hence, the number of components were restricted to 3000.
  • We first built clusters using the K-Means Clustering algorithm, and the optimal number of clusters came out to be 5. This was obtained through the elbow method and Silhouette score analysis.
  • Then clusters were built using the Agglomerative clustering algorithm, and the optimal number of clusters came out to be 7. This was obtained after visualizing the dendrogram.
  • A content based recommender system was built using the similarity matrix obtained after using cosine similarity. This recommender system will make 10 recommendations to the user based on the type of show they watched.