
Reproduce results from the SIGIR 2019 paper "A New Perspective on Score Standardization"

Primary LanguageRCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

This repository contains the data and source code for the following paper:

A single ZIP file can be downloaded as well.

Project Structure

  • data/ Input data files.
  • out/ Generated output files.
  • R/ Source code in R.
  • scratch/ Temporary files generated in the process.

All code is written for R. You will need the following packages installed from CRAN: rio (>=0.5.19), ircor, doParallel.

How to reproduce the results in the paper

The source files in R/ need to be run in order. You can run each file individually by running Rscript R/<file>.R. They will store intermediate data in scratch/ and the final data in out/.

It is important that you always run from the base directory.

  1. R/01-within.R computes all statistics for within-collection comparisons (section 3.1).
  2. R/02-between.R computes all statistics for between-collection comparisons (section 3.2).
  3. R/99-paper.R generates all figures in the paper and stores them in out/figs/.

It takes a long time to run all the code, so it is ready to run in parallel. Most of the above code parallelizes using function foreach in R's package doParallel. In particular, it will use all available cores in the machine. Edit file R/common.R to modify this behavior and other parameters.

Custom test collections

You can easily run the code with your own test collection. Add the matrix of topic-by-system scores in data/ using the name <collection>_<measure>.csv (see for instance file data/robust2004_ap.csv). Then, edit file R/common.R to add the new data:

.COLLECTIONS <- c("robust2004", "terabyte2006")
.MEASURES <- c("ap", "ndcg")

Note that the code will run for all combinations of collection and measure. For more specific modifications, edit the corresponding source file in R/ (see above). Note also that the script R/99-paper.R is only intended to generate the figures in the paper. If you customize something and want a similar analysis, you will need to extend this script yourself.


When using this archive, please cite the above paper:

  author = {Urbano, Juli\'{a}n and Lima, Harlley and Hanjalic, Alan},
  booktitle = {International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
  title = {{A New Perspective on Score Standardization}},
  year = {2019},
  pages = {1061--1064}