A component for randomizing dom elements. randomize supports randomizing vectors, numbers or colors, and can randomly select from a list of possible values.
The randomizer is configured by dynamic properties, which are of the form property:value
or component.property:value
. Where value is either a | delimited list of choices to randomly pick from e.g. value1|value2|value3
or two values separated by .. and a value is picked from within this range (including the start, but excluding the end) e.g. rangeStart...rangeEnd
. Choice values can be anything, whilst range values only support number, vector and color.
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.8.2/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-randomize-component@^0.3.0/aframe-randomize-component.js"></script>
<a-box randomize="position:-2 -2 -5..2 2 -7; material.color:red..green; scale: 1 1 1|1.5 1.5 1.5|2 2 2;"></a-box>
Property | Description | Default Value | Type |
seed | random seed for the randomizer, set to -1 re-randomize each time | -1 | number |
<component>.<attribute> | set the attribute on a component with a value, a range (a..b) or a choice (a|b|c) | "" | string |
<component> | set a component with a value, a range (a..b) or a choice (a|b|c) | "" | string |
// randomly position this element inside the box (-10,-10,-10) and (10,10,10)
<a-entity randomize="position:-10 -10 -10..10 10 10"></a-entity>
// random color from black to white
<a-entity randomize="material.color:black..white"></a-entity>
// set the material color to red, #0f0 or #0000ff
<a-entity randomize="material.color:red|#0f0|#0000ff"></a-entity>
when using a random range of colors, the random value is picked from the HSL space (not RGB).
Properties with strings cannot be randomized with a range (..), but can be randomized with a choice (|).
When modifying properties on a primitive it is best to use the component mapping rather than the property directly. For example use material.color rather than color.