
Component for randomizing properties on an entity or its children

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A component for randomizing dom elements. randomize supports randomizing vectors, numbers or colors, and can randomly select from a list of possible values.

The randomizer is configured by dynamic properties, which are of the form property:value or component.property:value. Where value is either a | delimited list of choices to randomly pick from e.g. value1|value2|value3 or two values separated by .. and a value is picked from within this range (including the start, but excluding the end) e.g. rangeStart...rangeEnd. Choice values can be anything, whilst range values only support number, vector and color.

Click here for a demo


  <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.8.2/aframe.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-randomize-component@^0.3.0/aframe-randomize-component.js"></script>
    <a-box randomize="position:-2 -2 -5..2 2 -7; material.color:red..green; scale: 1 1 1|1.5 1.5 1.5|2 2 2;"></a-box>


Property Description Default Value Type
seed random seed for the randomizer, set to -1 re-randomize each time -1 number
<component>.<attribute> set the attribute on a component with a value, a range (a..b) or a choice (a|b|c) "" string
<component> set a component with a value, a range (a..b) or a choice (a|b|c) "" string


  // randomly position this element inside the box (-10,-10,-10) and (10,10,10)
  <a-entity randomize="position:-10 -10 -10..10 10 10"></a-entity>

  // random color from black to white
  <a-entity randomize="material.color:black..white"></a-entity>

  // set the material color to red, #0f0 or #0000ff
  <a-entity randomize="material.color:red|#0f0|#0000ff"></a-entity>


when using a random range of colors, the random value is picked from the HSL space (not RGB).

Properties with strings cannot be randomized with a range (..), but can be randomized with a choice (|).

When modifying properties on a primitive it is best to use the component mapping rather than the property directly. For example use material.color rather than color.