Made by : Harman Kumar Kabeer Chhabra Haroun Habeeb
######################################################################################## Introduction : ########################################################################################
The purpose of this assignment is to create an interactive screensaver with balls moving in 2D or 3D space using one to one thread communication model
such that there is a thread controlling a single ball. Additional features like selection of a ball using mouse click, enable gravity, change the viewing mode etc.
were also incorporated.
For guidelines to compile the project, refer to compilation and execution modes section.
Acknowledgements :
We'd like to thank "Barun Patra", Akshay Gupta, Kartikeya Gupta, Prateek, Venkata Raman, Nikhil Chaturvedi for helping us understand various concepts, libraries.
######################################################################################## Requirements : ########################################################################################
The libraries required for compilation of the project are :
1. openGL
2. glut or freeglut
3. SDL
4. glui
5. pthread
The version of g++ required to compile the project is the c++11 version.
######################################################################################## Compilation and Execution Modes: ########################################################################################
Compiling the Documentation :
"make documentation" in the Assignment's folder to compile the .tex file and give a .pdf file corresponding to the documentation.
"make changes" in the Assignment's folder to compile the .tex file and give a .pdf file corresponding to the changes made.
Compiling the Project :
The compilation modes and associated syntax are:
"make execute num_threads=n" : Launches the program in 2D mode.
"make clean" : Removes all the .o (object) and .out (executable) files.
"make debugger" : Creates a gdb-supported executable executable file.
"make debug num_threads=n" : Launches an executable with output statements.
######################################################################################## User Interface : ########################################################################################
1. GUI (Graphical User Interface)
The user is provided with a menu to perform the following operations on the screensaver.
Rotate the view of the cube : The user can change the location from where the cube ( in which the balls are contained )
is being viewed, also an option to zoom-in and zoom-out is provided.
Toggle between 2D and 3D modes : The user can switch between 2D and 3D modes during the execution of the screensaver.
Add Gravity and Coefficient of Restitution : There is a button that toggles the gravity and introduces a coefficient of restitution on collision between a ball and the wall.
Velocity Control : There are buttons to increase/decrease the velocity of the selected ball.
Select the next/previous ball : There are buttons that enable the user to select the next and the prevois ball.
Change the ball's resolution : There are three modes among which the user can switch during the execution of the screensaver.
Pause and Exit : There is a button to pause the screensaver and another button to close the window.
Fullscreen : There is a button to make the window fullscreen.
2. Keyboard
The keyboard can be used as an alternative to the GUI to perform operations on the screen-saver.
1. Rotate the view of the cube : The keys w, a, s, d, q, e can be used to rotate the cube and hence change the view, following are the functionalities:
a) To rotate about the X axis the keys w and s are to be used.
b) To rotate about the Y axis the keys q and e are to be used.
c) To rotate about the Z axis the keys a and d are to be used.
2. Change the selected ball : Using the left and right arrow keys one can change the ball that is selected.
3. Velocity control : Using the up and down arrow keys one can increase/decrease the velocity of the selected ball.
4. Pause and Exit : The screensaver can be paused by pressing spacebar and closed by pressing escape.
5. Fullscreen : The window can be made fullscreen by pressing the f key.
6. Change colour of a ball : The colour of the selected can be changed by pressing the 'c' key.
3. Mouse
Left Mouse Button Click : The left mouse button can be used to select a ball on the screen. In case of overlap btween balls ( in 3D mode ) priority is given to the closer ball.
Roll : The user can zoom-in an zoom-out by rolling up and rolling down respectively.
Right Mouse Button Click : Deselection of balls happens when the right mouse button is pressed i.e. after the click of this button no ball on the screen remains selected.
######################################################################################## Bibliography : ########################################################################################
1) OpenGL documentation.
2) Threading Guide : http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/threads-cv.pdf
3) Physics and equations of motion : Wolfram Alpha
4) GLUI Manual : https://www.cs.unc.edu/~rademach/glui/src/release/glui_manual_v2_beta.pdf
5) NeHe tutorials
6) Lighthouse3D.com
7) Youtube Video tutorials.