To personalize the README for your portfolio project that we've been discussing, you can adjust the content to reflect the specificities of your project, your development journey, and how visitors can interact with your portfolio. Here's an example based on the structure you provided:

Harmeet's Frontend Portfolio

Welcome to my personal frontend portfolio, crafted with passion using Create React App. This portfolio showcases my skills, projects, and my journey as a Frontend Developer specializing in React, JavaScript, and other modern web technologies.

Getting Started

To explore my portfolio locally, clone this project and navigate to the project directory. You can then run the following commands:

npm install

Installs the necessary dependencies to run the portfolio on your local machine.

npm start

Launches the portfolio in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will automatically reload if you make edits. You'll also see any lint errors in the console, ensuring the code quality remains high.

Exploring My Work

My portfolio is divided into sections highlighting different aspects of my skills and experience:

  • About Me: A brief introduction to my background and how I ventured into the world of Frontend Development.
  • Skillset Tiles: Interactive tiles representing my technical skills with descriptions and icons for a quick overview.
  • Experience: Detailed journey of all the work places I have worked at as a frontend developer.

Building for Production

When you're ready to build a static version of the portfolio for deployment:

npm run build

This command prepares the app for production, optimizing performance and minimizing the code.

Continuous Learning

I believe in continuous growth and learning. You can find more about my learning journey and resources I found invaluable in the Learning Resources section.


This portfolio is deployed using Github Pages and Google Domains.

Customizing and Contributions

Feel free to fork this repository if you're interested in using it as a base for your own portfolio. I'm open to contributions, especially improvements and bug fixes. Let's make the web a beautiful place together!

Learn More

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I hope it gives you a glimpse into my professional capabilities and personal growth as a developer.