- For the rubytify instructions check this gist: https://gist.github.com/AyendaHoteles/235cd0955799dfc1c9ec5fa28d00f2ae
- To upload the code create your own fork of this repo and start a pull request to this repo once you're done with your changes.
This is a skill tests for ayenda.com developed by Harold Mideros
To run the project you must be run the follow commands
$ rails db:drop db:create db:migrate
$ rails server
To populate database with information from spotify, you need api credentials from https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard.
$ rails credentials:edit
and put your api spotify credentias as bellow
client_id: <your_client_id>
client_secret: <your_client_secret>
finally you can execute the rake task
$ rails fetch:spotify