
This is a cross-platform g2p for Korean.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a cross-platform g2p for Korean.

g2pkk is a library that made Kyubyong's g2pk work in Windows. The reason why g2pk does not work well in Windows is that the mecab, the morpheme analyzer used by g2pk, causes build errors in Windows. g2pkk uses a different morpheme analyzer depending on the operating system. Windows uses eunjeon, which enables mecab to be used in Windows, and other operating systems use python-mecab-ko, which was previously used in g2pk.

Install g2pkk and make sure that a morpheme analyzer exists for the operating system of the system you are using for the first time, and if not, proceed with the installation automatically.


  • python >= 3.6
  • jamo
  • nltk


pip install g2pkk

How To Use

g2pkk uses same syntaxes as g2pk.

>>> from g2pkk import G2p
>>> g2p = G2p("포상은 열심히 한 아이에게만 주어지기 때문에 포상인 것입니다.")
>>> g2p("포상으 녈심히 하 나이에게만 주어지기 때무네 포상인 거심니다.")

If you want more information, check g2pk