
script to edit image color to be warm (reddish) or cool ( bluish )

Primary LanguageGo

Before Start

  • Install go version 1.21.4
  • copy paste the image you want to use in the images folder

How to use

Run go run main.go {./images/{yourJPEGimages.jpeg}} {positiveOrNegativeNumber} in the terminal

for warm (reddish) color use positive number 1 - 100
for cold (bluish) color use negative number -1 - -100


Run go run main.go ./images/yourJPEGimages.jpeg 1 in the terminal
the output will be ./images/output.jpeg in the images folder

another example

  • cooler go run main.go ./images/one.jpeg -40

  • warmer go run main.go ./images/one.jpeg 50