
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Application Documentation - User

User App

REST API built with Express & Sequelize

Basic Routes

Route HTTP Header(s) Body Description Output
/ GET none none App's top-most route (home)

User Routes

Route HTTP Header(s) Body Description Output
/api/signup POST none username:String (required), password:String (required), email:String (required), role:String (required) Create new account created user object
/api/signin POST none username:String (required), password:String (required) Signing in using username & password JWT token
/api/users GET token none Get all users info (ADMIN ONLY) array of User objects
/api/users/:id GET token none Get single user info (ADMIN & authenticated user) User object
/api/users POST token username:String (required), password:String (required), role:String (required) Create a user (ADMIN ONLY) User object that has been inserted in DB
/api/users/:id DELETE token none Delete a user (ADMIN ONLY) ID of the deleted user
/api/users/:id PUT token username:String (required), password:String (required), name:String (required), email:String (required) Update a user. All attributes must be provided. (role update is allowed for Admin only) ID of the updated user
/api/users/:id PATCH token any one of following attributes:
  • username:String
  • password:String
  • name:String
  • email:String
  • role:String --> only for Admin
Update a user's specific attribute (role update is allowed for Admin only)

To run the program, run the following commands:

$ npm install
$ npm start

Access the API via https://strawberry-sundae-70043.herokuapp.com/api/users