Laravel Boilerplate - Laravel 5.7 API


  • docker and docker-compose

    Detailed instructions for setup of docker can be found here.

  • user added to docker group

Initial setup of project

Option 1: Use script to do everything for you

We've written bash script that will do all things that you would normally have to do manually.

In order to run script all you have to do is run chmod +x init && chmod +x pre-commit && ./init

Script might ask you for your password at some point.

Option 2: Do initial setup manually

Start docker containers and install dependencies

  • Run docker containers in detached mode docker-compose up -d

    Whole stack can be stopped with docker-compose stop

  • Check all service status: docker-compose ps

  • Install project dependencies with composer in container docker exec -it laravel composer install

  • Generate application key docker exec -it laravel php artisan key:generate

Create local environments

  • Copy content from .env.example in .env (cp .env.example .env)

  • Generate JWT secret key docker exec -it laravel php artisan jwt:secret

Set directory permissions

sudo chmod -R 777 src/storage src/bootstrap/cache

Use custom domain for development

  • Edit /etc/hosts add local domain my-project.loc my-project.loc

    Feel free to replace my-project.loc with whatever works for you. In that case you should also change APP_URL in .env

How to verify everything is working ?

  • Visit http://localhost/api/documentation and feel free to try API using Swagger UI.

    In case that you are using custom domain, swap localhost with your custom domain.

    App is available on through http port 80

Health panel details

We are using Health Panel to monitor key aspects of application and services.

  • Web access for Health panel is available at http://localhost/health/panel
  • Health Panel can also return JSON status of each service at route /health/check
  • Heatlh panel can also be accessed with artisan commands health:panel and health:check
  • To enable Slack notifications change webhook_url in services config
  • For more details about Health Panel go to their readme


If you want to use Google ReCaptcha, you can enabled it in recaptcha.php and add RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY in your .env file. Your configuration would look like this if you enable it:


return [
  'enabled' => true,
  'secret' => env('RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY')

Rule for ReCaptcha is already applied in UserLoginRequest and in UserCreateRequest.


To configure Sentry, go to the Sentry and create project for laravel and then just populate .env file with your project information:



Laravel Telescope is included in this boilerplate.

  • By default telescope is only available if APP_ENV is local.
  • Telescope is accessible at /telescope route.
  • Telescope can be disabled globally with ENV variable TELESCOPE_ENABLED.
  • In order to enable telescope in other environments you have to override gate method and remove isLocal check from register method in TelescopeServiceProvider.

PHP formatter for visual studio code

Install php formatter. More info.

Configure PHP Code Sniffer for Visual Studio Code

  • Install phpcs.
  • Clone Vivify Ideas Coding Standards and make sure folder name is Vivify
  • Open User Settings in VS Code and add "phpcs.standard": "path_to_Vivify_folder_that_you_just_cloned"

Notes for Production/Staging environment

There is separate docker-compose file (docker-compose.dist.yml) for production/staging environments.

Biggest differences between dev and staging/production environments are that we are bundling all source files into images, instead of binding local source files to container.

In staging/production environment we included Portainer for easier container/swarm management with Web GUI.

We suggest using our docker registry ( for those environments, instead of building from Dockerfile

Exposed services in Production/Staging environment

  • Nginx at ports 80/443
  • MariaDB at port 3306
  • Portainer at port 9000