
Harmony ERC20

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Harmony ERC20


This sample project can be used to deploy an ERC20 token on Harmony's Testnet


Please read the guideline for Smart Contract Development using Truffle


#install truffle
$npm install -g truffle

#clone this project
$git clone https://github.com/harmony-one/H2O.git
$cd H2O

#install modules
$npm install

Compile smart contract

$truffle compile

Deploy smart contract to Harmony's testnet

$truffle migrate --network testnet --reset

Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.

Migrations dry-run (simulation)
> Network name:    'testnet-fork'
> Network id:      2
> Block gas limit: 0x66916c


   Replacing 'Migrations'
   > block number:        236254
   > block timestamp:     1570227191
   > account:             0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98
   > balance:             923.003096645399407586
   > gas used:            246393
   > gas price:           2 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.000492786 ETH

   > Total cost:         0.000492786 ETH


   Replacing 'HarmonyERC20'
   > block number:        236256
   > block timestamp:     1570227198
   > account:             0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98
   > balance:             923.000266111399407586
   > gas used:            1388244
   > gas price:           2 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.002776488 ETH

   > Total cost:         0.002776488 ETH

> Total deployments:   2
> Final cost:          0.003269274 ETH

Starting migrations...
> Network name:    'testnet'
> Network id:      2
> Block gas limit: 0x66916c


   Replacing 'Migrations'
   > transaction hash:    0x3be646bab73e1b6725f4e78a379db2c4227353d22732b411f43bce64312fd2ea
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 4
   > contract address:    0x7b5B72fD8A1A4B923Fb12fF1f50b5C84F920278d
   > block number:        236255
   > block timestamp:     1570227203
   > account:             0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98
   > balance:             923.003328038399407586
   > gas used:            261393
   > gas price:           1 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.000261393 ETH

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:         0.000261393 ETH


   Replacing 'HarmonyERC20'
   > transaction hash:    0xe4e7d027b24e328e5b79e3d026eb48a71c971fa112b6c74bef70e776128afa92
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 4
   > contract address:    0xf2c3b75dAB0e45652Bf0f9BD9e08d48b03c3926E
   > block number:        236257
   > block timestamp:     1570227219
   > account:             0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98
   > balance:             923.001792771399407586
   > gas used:            1493244
   > gas price:           1 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.001493244 ETH

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:         0.001493244 ETH

> Total deployments:   2
> Final cost:          0.001754637 ETH

(base) CBA-219302-MBP:H2O Xuan$ 

List the smart contract on testnet

$truffle networks

Network: development (id: 2)
  No contracts deployed.

Network: testnet (id: 2)
  HarmonyERC20: 0xf2c3b75dAB0e45652Bf0f9BD9e08d48b03c3926E
  Migrations: 0x7b5B72fD8A1A4B923Fb12fF1f50b5C84F920278d

Interact with smart contract with a custom javascript

A custom javascript mint_transfer.js is used to mint and transfer token

var HarmonyERC20 = artifacts.require("HarmonyERC20");

//mint amount address
const myAddress =   "0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98";

//test account address, keys under
const testAccount = "0x7c41e0668b551f4f902cfaec05b5bdca68b124ce";

const transferAmount = 2000000;

module.exports = function() {
    async function getHarmonyERC20Information() {
        let instance = await HarmonyERC20.deployed();
        let name = await instance.name();
        let total = await instance.totalSupply();
        let decimals = await instance.decimals();
        let mybalance = await instance.balanceOf(myAddress);
        instance.transfer(testAccount, transferAmount);
        let testAccBalance = await instance.balanceOf(testAccount);

        console.log("HarmonyERC20 is deployed at address " + instance.address);
        console.log("Harmony ERC20 Information: Name    : " + name);
        console.log("Harmony ERC20 Information: Decimals: " + decimals);
        console.log("Harmony ERC20 Information: Total   : " + total.toString());
        console.log("my address : " + myAddress);
        console.log("test account address : " + testAccount);
        console.log("my minted    H2O balance is: " + mybalance.toString());
        console.log("test account H2O balance is: " + testAccBalance.toString());
        console.log("\ntransfered " + transferAmount.toString() + " from my address (minter) to test account");

A custom javascript show_balance.js is used to show balance

var HarmonyERC20 = artifacts.require("HarmonyERC20");

//mint amount address
const myAddress =   "0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98";

//test account address, keys under
const testAccount = "0x7c41e0668b551f4f902cfaec05b5bdca68b124ce";

const transferAmount = 2000000;

module.exports = function() {
    async function getHarmonyERC20Information() {
        let instance = await HarmonyERC20.deployed();
        let name = await instance.name();
        let total = await instance.totalSupply();
        let decimals = await instance.decimals();
        let mybalance = await instance.balanceOf(myAddress);
        let testAccBalance = await instance.balanceOf(testAccount);

        console.log("HarmonyERC20 is deployed at address " + instance.address);
        console.log("Harmony ERC20 Information: Name    : " + name);
        console.log("Harmony ERC20 Information: Decimals: " + decimals);
        console.log("Harmony ERC20 Information: Total   : " + total.toString());
        console.log("my address : " + myAddress);
        console.log("test account address : " + testAccount);
        console.log("my minted    H2O balance is: " + mybalance.toString());
        console.log("test account H2O balance is: " + testAccBalance.toString());


Mint and send token to a test account

$ truffle exec ./mint_transfer_token.js  --network testnet
Using network 'testnet'.

HarmonyERC20 is deployed at address 0xbBE1E92631C8846ff729C09FD629F98544966c6A
Harmony ERC20 Information: Name    : HarmonyERC20
Harmony ERC20 Information: Decimals: 18
Harmony ERC20 Information: Total   : 1000000000000000000000000
my address : 0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98
test account address : 0x7c41e0668b551f4f902cfaec05b5bdca68b124ce
my minted    H2O balance is: 1000000000000000000000000
test account H2O balance is: 0

transfered 2000000 from my address (minter) to test account

type ctrl+C to exit

Show blanance of two accounts

$ truffle exec ./show_balance.js  --network testnet
Using network 'testnet'.

HarmonyERC20 is deployed at address 0xbBE1E92631C8846ff729C09FD629F98544966c6A
Harmony ERC20 Information: Name    : HarmonyERC20
Harmony ERC20 Information: Decimals: 18
Harmony ERC20 Information: Total   : 1000000000000000000000000
my address : 0x3aea49553Ce2E478f1c0c5ACC304a84F5F4d1f98
test account address : 0x7c41e0668b551f4f902cfaec05b5bdca68b124ce
my minted    H2O balance is: 999999999999999998000000
test account H2O balance is: 2000000

type ctrl+C to exit