
Sprint challenge for Sprint 1 of Lambda's iOS course

Primary LanguageSwift

Sprint Challenge: iOS Fundamentals 1 - Movie List

This challenge allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned over the past week and apply them in a concrete project. This Sprint explored iOS Basics. During this Sprint, you studied the Xcode IDE, Model-View-Controller, container controllers, and table views. In your challenge this week, you will demonstrate proficiency by creating an application that collects and lists your favorite movies.


Read these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this Sprint Challenge.

This is an individual assessment. All work must be your own. Your challenge score is a measure of your ability to work independently using the material covered through this sprint. You need to demonstrate proficiency in the concepts and objectives introduced and practiced in preceding days.

You are not allowed to collaborate during the Sprint Challenge. However, you are encouraged to follow the twenty-minute rule and seek support from your PM and Instructor in your cohort help channel on Slack. Your work reflects your proficiency in iOS and your command of the concepts and techniques in this first unit.

You have three hours to complete this challenge. Plan your time accordingly.


Commit your code regularly and meaningfully. This helps both you (in case you ever need to return to old code for any number of reasons) and your project manager.


In this challenge, you build an app that tracks and remembers your favorite movies. Your finished project looks something like this:

In meeting the minimum viable product (MVP) specifications listed below, your application will be able to add movies to a central model and then present them in a table view in a separate tab.

Project Set Up

This repository contains a basic project that includes art for your tab bars and a stylish launch screen. Use this project as the basis for your work.

Minimum Viable Product

Your finished project must include all of the following requirements:

  • A Movie model object that has properties for:
    • The movie's name as a String
    • Whether it has been seen or not as a Bool. You can set a default value for this property to false if you want.
  • A view controller that shows a list of movies that the user has created. This should be a subclass of UIViewController that has a UITableView in it.
  • The table view should use a custom UITableViewCell subclass with a "Seen"/"Not Seen" button. Tapping the button toggles whether the user has seen the movie or not. (This should change the Movie's Bool property that represents if it has been seen or not)
  • A bar button item that segues to a new view controller. This new view controller allows the user to add new movies. The view controller should have a text field to put in the movie's name, and a button to save the movie.

In your solution, it is essential that you follow best practices and produce clean and professional results. Schedule time to review, refine, and assess your work and perform basic professional polishing including spell-checking and grammar-checking on your work. It is better to submit a challenge that meets MVP than one that attempts to much and does not.

Validate your work through testing the app on the simulator and ensure that your code operates as designed.

Stretch Problems

After finishing your required elements, you can push your work further. These goals may or may not be things you have learned in this module but they build on the material you just studied. Time allowing, stretch your limits and see if you can deliver on the following optional goals:

  • Users can swipe to delete movies in the table view.
  • Introduce a way to edit the name of a movie.
  • The list of movies is preserved between subsequent runs of your application